# 全球购 # Japan's CHOKA'S Monkey Mini Cake Banana Shape is really small in reality, with a total of seven in a box. The shape of the banana is also very cute! This is the original flavor. It tastes harder overall and the texture is different from the softness I expected. It's pretty average. Just try it once!
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# 全球购 # 日本CHOKA'S 蒙奇迷你小蛋糕香蕉造型 ,实物真的是很小一个啊,一盒里面共有七小个。香蕉的形状也是十分的可爱!这款是原味的整体吃起来是比较硬的口感与我想象的柔软不一样🤣挺一般的,试过一次就好!