# 全球购 # lotus Thai snack crispy chicken drumsticks. This snack is delicious, highly recommended! This one is spicy. Every piece inside is crunchy. The spicy one is very spicy. If you can't eat spicy food, you can buy non-spicy ones. They are all delicious. I personally prefer the spicy version, which suits my taste.
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# 全球购 # lotus泰国小吃脆皮鸡腿酥。这个零食好好吃哦,强推!这个是香辣味的,里面每一块都是脆脆的,香辣味的很辣,不能吃辣的可以买不辣的,都好吃。我个人更喜欢这个辣味的,符合我的口味。