# 新春甜茶 #It’s really good to cook some ginger soup to warm up the body when it’s warm and cold. Daily# 炖汤 #Put some dried ginger slices to remove the fishy smell and improve the freshness. Back home, I cook glutinous rice balls during the Winter Solstice, put ginger slices in, and add some brown sugar~# 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 冬日养生 #
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# 新春甜茶 #乍暖还寒,煮点姜汤,驱寒暖身,真的很好。日常# 炖汤 #放点干姜片可以去腥,提鲜。 老家那边冬至煮汤圆放姜片进去,再加点红糖~# 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 冬日养生 #