
Winter Japanese niche beauty skin care brand Shiro weeds

is a Japanese niche skin care brand that has risen in the past two years. It advocates natural simplicity, natural ingredients, and is not a drug or cosmetic product. The brands use very good raw materials, pure natural vegetable and fruit extracts, without any artificial flavor. The effect is also very surprising, with a variety of flavors Each of them smells good, soft texture, and absorbs very quickly span> , the skin is too soft to slip after use. Even if you wash it off after a few hours, you can still feel a layer of protection on the applied area. While moisturizing, the whole body is full of gentle fragrance

The main flavors are:

sakura (gentle and sweet, the taste of girly cherry blossoms) two stars for sweetness 🌟🌟

rose(Rose rose, the best smell among roses, one of the best)

verbena(verbena, sweet orange, very captivating, very special)

savon(Clean soap fragrance, unisex, neutral and good smelling )the above three one star for sweetness< span class="s3">🌟

white lily(white lily, small and fresh taste~)< /p>

PoBought: Body Lotionjasmine(Jasmine is gentle and charming. It is said to have an aphrodisiac effect. I am just curious to try it.🙈🙈 Hand Cream Rose selected🌹Taste It's really sweet!

This winter, there is also a limited edition white tea, white pear🍐Taste< /span> Super limited quantity

Japanese No. 1! Definitely worth repurchasing~

By requestPorequired It took only two days to receive direct mail from Japanese owner to Hong Kong I really like it Wash the fragrance as soon as I get it Painted!

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冬季 日本小众貌美护肤品牌Shiro拔草篇

是这一两年崛起的一个日本小众护肤品牌,崇尚自然简约,成分天然,不是药妆开架的商品哦 品牌都选用非常好的原材料,纯天然蔬果精华提取,没有丝毫人工香料的感觉。效果也是很惊喜的,有多种味道 每种都很好闻,质地软,吸收速度非常快 ,用完皮肤软滑到不行。即使几个小时之后清洗,还会感觉到涂过的部位有一层保护。保湿的同时,全身都是温柔的香味





savon(干净肥皂香,男女通用,比较中性很好闻)以上三种 甜度一颗星🌟

white lily(白百合,味道小清新~)

Po买的是:身体乳jasmine(茉莉花温柔迷人,据说有催情作用,只是特别好奇来试试🙈🙈 护手霜 选了玫瑰🌹味儿 真的是甜美到不行!

今天冬天还上了限量限定的白茶,白梨🍐味道 数量超级有限


Po要求 日本店主直邮到香港仅用了两天时间收到 实在是喜欢 一拿到就洗香香 涂了起来!