# 新春甜茶 #In the afternoon, drinking some porridge or Tremella soup is the best snack. Red dates nourish the body, and porridge nourishes the stomach. After eating for a period of time, your complexion will change. Good things are just right. You can eat three dates raw every day, and you will never grow old. 😀 # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 健康养生 # # 懒人必备 #
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# 新春甜茶 #下午喝点粥或者银耳羹,是最好不过的点心了 红枣养人,粥养胃。吃一段时间,气色变化 美好的东西都是一切刚刚好。 每天可以生吃三颗枣,青春永不老😀 # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 健康养生 # # 懒人必备 #