Saliva Chicken. This cold dish is really a super simple and quick dish. After steaming the chicken, put it in ice water to cool it down, and the chicken skin will become refreshing. Then peel the peanuts and chop up the celery. Stir the dumpling vinegar, soy sauce, chili sauce, rattan pepper oil, etc., pour it in, and sprinkle chopped green onion, sesame and Liupo chili noodles on the surface (super love!!!) Finally, heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and smoke When pouring directly on the chopped green onion and pepper surface. Super delicious, with a small amount of rattan pepper oil, the whole thing feels a little spicy, super cool.
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口水鸡。这个凉菜真的是超级简单快手菜,把鸡肉蒸熟后放入冰水降温,鸡皮会变得爽口。然后把花生去壳弄碎,切芹菜粒垫底。把饺子醋,酱油,辣椒酱,藤椒油等等搅拌好,倒入,并在表面撒上葱花,芝麻跟六婆辣椒面(超级爱!!!)最后有油锅热少量油,冒烟时直接浇在葱花跟辣椒面上。 超级下饭好吃,加上少量藤椒油,整个有点麻麻辣辣的感觉,超级爽。