A good day starts with a delicious breakfast ☕️ The soymilk maker that Yamibuy bought at last year's discount! The soymilk maker comes with a measuring cup, strainer, filter cup and manual. The measuring cup is used to weigh the soybeans of the specified capacity~ It should be noted that if you want to wet the beans, you must first weigh the dry beans with the measuring cup, and then soak them overnight to make soy milk in the morning~ There are various soy milk and juice in the user manual. , the usage and dosage of rice paste, so keep the instructions well~ The capacity of this machine is very suitable for 2-3 people to drink. Basically, the amount of soy milk produced is about 3 cups of the mug in the picture~ Because the soy milk will be reduced after filtering, you can use the attached filter to filter the soy dregs~ Soy milk It can be directly filtered into a filter cup with a capacity display, but I usually pour the cup directly when I drink it at home~ It takes less than half an hour to wet soy milk, and the noise is not too loud, because when I made soy milk in the morning, my sleep was not affected at all... So it is still very suitable for use~ At the time of placing the order, this soymilk maker had already had a lot of discounts, and after adding the Yamibuy 5-dollar coupons that were exchanged for points some time ago, it only cost more than 62 yuan in the end~ It's still very worthwhile in terms of cost performance~ Even if it is not historically low It should be close ✌️ I made potato cakes to go with soy milk~ Very simple and convenient breakfast, even the very picky men like to eat~ Potato Pie Recipe: Put the potato shreds in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of flour (not too much, because the protagonist of this cake is a potato), crack an egg, and add an appropriate amount of salt and water. Stir the above ingredients evenly, pour them into a well-oiled frying pan or electric baking pan, spread out into a uniform cake, turn over when one side is golden brown (you can use an American plastic spatula at this time), and fry both sides until golden brown Almost ready to cook. The operation of this potato cake is simple, but it requires skilled operation to master the ratio of flour, potatoes and water, as well as the skills of spreading the cake and turning it over. Practice, don't be in a hurry~ The airtight jar in picture 3 is my favorite Ball airtight jar, which is available in all American supermarkets! 厨房收纳 artifact! It is used to store all kinds of grains, which can not only be sealed and kept fresh, but also easy to use and beautiful in appearance! I will give you a detailed introduction later. above. With the soymilk maker, the sense of happiness is really improved~ Come and try it, beautiful chefs!
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亚米精選 美好的一天从一顿美味的早餐开始☕️ 亚米网去年打折的时候买的豆浆机! 豆浆机附带有量杯,过滤网,过滤杯和使用手册。量杯是用来称量指定容量的大豆的~ 需要注意的是如果想打湿豆,也要先用量杯称干豆,然后再浸泡一晚早上打豆浆~ 使用手册里面有各种不同豆浆、果汁、米糊的用法用量,所以要留好说明书哦~ 这个机器的容量很适合2-3人喝,基本上打出的豆浆量有图上这个马克杯的3杯左右~ 因为豆浆过滤之后也会变少啦,可以用附带的过滤网来过滤豆渣~ 豆浆可以直接过滤到有容量显示的过滤杯里,但一般家里面自己喝我就直接倒杯子了~ 湿豆豆浆大概需要不到半个小时,噪音不算很大,因为早上我打豆浆的时候男票睡觉丝毫没有被影响… 所以还是很适合使用的~ 当时下单的时候这款豆浆机已经打了很多折扣,再叠加前段时间积分换的亚米网5刀券,最后一共才花了62块多~ 性价比来说还是很值哒~ 即使不是史低应该也接近啦✌️ 和豆浆配套的我做的是土豆饼~ 很简单方便的早餐,男票很挑的嘴也很喜欢吃~ 土豆饼菜谱:土豆擦丝放入碗中,再加入适量面粉(不要太多,因为这个饼的主角是土豆),打入一个鸡蛋,再加入适量盐和水。上述食材搅拌均匀,倒入烧好油的平底锅或者电饼铛中,摊成一张均匀的饼,当一面金黄的时候翻面(这时候可以用美式塑料铲子),把两面都煎的金黄就差不多可以出锅了。 这个土豆饼操作和简单,但需要操作熟练了才能掌握面粉和土豆和水的比例,以及摊饼和翻面的技术也会慢慢提高哒,所以宝宝们如果第一次做出来不完美,多练练不要心急哦~ 图三的密封罐是我超级喜欢的Ball密封罐,所有美国超市都有卖!是厨房收纳神器!用来收纳各种谷物,既能密封保鲜,同时取用方便,外表美观!以后有机会再给大家详细介绍~ 以上。有了豆浆机幸福感真是蹭蹭地提高呀~ 美厨娘们快去试试吧!