From 14 years to 18 years, it is almost equal to growing up with Yami. The years I have been using Yami are the years when I started to learn skin care and hair care. Before Yami, I really did not skin care at all, and I basically washed my face with water! ! ! Pimples all over the forehead. After I started using Yami, I bought my first bottle of acne-removing facial cleanser and acne-removing toner! ! ! Since then I started my skincare journey, and then I kept buying and buying on Yamibuy! 🤪 Hee hee hee, I spent a lot of money in Yami's battle in recent years, and bought a lot of cheap and easy-to-use skin care products🤤 Later, in addition to buying skin care products, I also bought a lot of snacks, and started my journey to gain weight. Hee hee hee, it's better to use the money from snacks to buy skin care products, after all, I'm a girl who wants to lose weight to 90 pounds🤓 Hahaha, in the past few years, I have also used Yami for a lot of people, my mother's company employees, my classmates, my friends, my auntie🤗 Finally, my favorite Top 10 bargains really work! 😚
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亚米精選 從14年到18年,差不多等於陪亞米一起成長了。 用亞米的這幾年是我開始學護膚護髮的這幾年,在有亞米前,我真的一點都不護膚,基本清水洗臉!!!額頭上都是痘痘。開始用亞米後,我買了人生中第一瓶去痘洗面奶和去痘爽膚水!!!從此開始了我護膚之旅,然後就是不斷在亞米上買買買啦!🤪 嘻嘻嘻,這幾年在亞米上陣的花了不少錢欸,買了好多平價好用的護膚品🤤 後來除了買護膚品,零食也買一大堆,開始了養胖之旅。嘻嘻嘻,還是用買零食的錢買護膚品好了,畢竟我是要減肥到90斤的女孩🤓 哈哈哈,這幾年我還安利了好多人用亞米,我媽公司的員工,我同學,我朋友,我阿姨🤗 最後,我最愛的Top 10 平價商品真的好用!😚