🍚炒饭 Make a little more rice at noon and put it in the fridge to make a meal at night. Ingredients 老干妈 or any sauce you like egg onion Because it’s a simple version haha, so after the chopped green onion➕ eggs are solidified and fry, put in the rice 🍚After the rice is dispersed, add a spoonful In short, how easy it is! Because there is 老干妈, the taste will not be bad 😄
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🍚炒饭 中午做米饭的时候多出来一点米饭,然后放在冰箱里晚上做一顿炒饭正好。 配料 老干妈 or任意你喜欢的酱料 鸡蛋 葱 因为是简易版的哈哈 所以葱花➕鸡蛋凝固炒散后,放入米饭🍚米饭散开后加一勺老干妈 味道觉得不够的话加一丢盐 总之就是怎么简单怎么来!因为有老干妈,所以味道不会差😄