【Eating Noodles on the New Year's Day】 Yesterday, everyone was drying a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner. Today, it should be leftovers. Haha. It is custom in our hometown not to throw away food. Even if it is leftovers, as long as it is not broken, it will No. Let's keep this fine traditional virtue. The most prepared food in the cupboard at home is the pasta. From Shanghai, Shandong, Henan, Sichuan to the old Beijing. There are all kinds of noodles. Today is the first day of the new year. I ate sweet rice cakes in the morning. ..Added last night's ginger and spring onion lobster. My husband's marinated duck wings are waiting for the ingredients. A bowl of delicious and delicious noodle soup is born🍜 I highly recommend these kinds of noodles. The price is beautiful and the quality is good. A pack is only 1 yuan. But it can be cooked for 3-4 people. Finally, I still want to continue to wish everyone a happy new year. Continue to eat and dress well.❤️
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亚米精選 【大年初一之吃面记】 昨天大家都在晒丰盛的年夜饭.今天晒的该是剩菜剩饭了吧.哈哈.我们家乡那边习俗是不可以随便丢饭菜的.就算是剩菜剩饭.只要没有坏掉.也不可以呢.让我们来保持这种优良传统美德吧. 家里的橱柜里备的最多的就是面食类.从上海.山东.河南.四川到老北京..什么面都有呢.今天是初一.早上吃了甜年糕.下午就来一份阳春面吧..加了昨晚姜葱龙虾.老公卤的鸭翅等起它食材.一碗好吃又美味的面汤出世啦🍜 很推荐这几款面条.价格美丽.品质也好.一包才1块多.但是可以煮3-4人份呢. 最后我还是要继续祝大家新春快乐.继续吃好穿好.❤️