#JapanSlimming Cola# Unlimited repurchase! It can really help digestion, but drinking it every day is useless. Occasionally drinking it for a long time can help absorb calories, but drinking it every day is useless. It tastes like Coke Zero. #Korea Haitai Low Sugar Cookies# The calories are not low at all, low sugar is not low calorie. You have to control it when you lose weight. But I really love the taste, it's delicious. It's very similar to a cracker in the United States! #Liuzhou Yijue Snail Rice Noodle# Super love, but it is troublesome to make. It smells great, but it doesn't stink at all. The main thing is the soup. The weight of the powder is very large, and the calories are estimated to be 700 after eating all! # Taiwan Lao Yang Garlic Chili Sauce# Like like like like! Spicy than I expected, it's super salty and spicy. It's good to mix noodles with rice, and it's also good to add a little bit when eating chicken thighs. #Japanese Nabisco Original Potato Chips# The taste is good, the original taste is very fragrant and fragrant. But it doesn't feel amazing compared to American potato chips, it's just plain low-salt plain potato chips. A box is a lot, and it’s still boring to eat too much. #double rabbit cassava original snack# Super love! Plant grass again. A pack looks small, but the material is good enough! ... Really can eat for a long time, a must for movies! Crispy and salty, it's like a small snack at the door of school when I was a child. Anyway, I like it very much. #Japanese Glico lactic acid sandwich biscuits# Not bad. The texture of the biscuits is very good, and it feels like a relatively healthy snack. The lactic acid sandwich is good and not greasy. A box of several small packets. The food star is very satisfied~ #台灣徐福记雪心糖# It's so delicious that I can't stop. The bag was bigger than I imagined, and it dries up in just two days. Four flavors in one bag: Coconut, Nut, Black Sesame, Peanut. Coconut and black sesame flavors are more obvious and naturally favorite. Peanuts are also very good. The main peanut candies are more common, and they are rare and expensive, so I still love coconut and sesame flavors. I didn't taste the nutty flavor at all, but it still tasted ok. #台東金鐵# Yami's most delicious luncheon meat so far! Once opened, there is a thin layer of jelly, and the meat is salty and fragrant. Perfect for instant noodles! But you can eat it. Actually, it’s a little salty, just pour some water on it, hahahaha. #PANPANTomato-flavored chicken nuggets# Not bad, as delicious as in China. But I still like the smell of wheat the most. The calories are not low. Occasionally eat to relieve cravings. Hahaha.
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亚米精選 #日本瘦身可乐# 无限回购!确实可以帮助消化啊啊,但是天天喝就没用了。很久不喝偶尔喝一次可以帮助吸收热量,天天喝就没用了。味道跟零度可乐一样。 #韩国海太低糖饼干# 热量一点都不低,低糖不是低卡啊啊。减肥的时候一定要控制。但味道确实大爱,挺好吃的。跟美国一款cracker很像哇! #柳州一绝螺蛳粉# 超级爱,就是做起来麻烦。味道很赞赞赞,但一点不会臭。重点喜欢汤头。粉的分量很足,全部吃完热量估计上七百! #台湾老杨蒜蓉辣椒酱# 喜欢喜欢喜欢!比我想象中的辣,咸辣咸辣的超级棒啊。拌面下饭都很好,啃鸡腿的时候加一点也不错呀呀呀。 #日本纳贝斯克原味薯片# 味道不错,原味的很香很香。但感觉跟美国薯片比没很惊艳,就是很普通的低盐原味薯片。一盒很多,吃多了还是腻。 #双兔木薯原味零食# 超级爱!再次种草。一包看上去很小,但料好足好足好足!... 真的可以吃好久,电影必备!嘎嘣脆口感,咸口,像小时候放学门口的一种小零食,反正就是喜欢得不行。 #日本格力高乳酸夹心饼干# 还不错。饼干质地很好,感觉算比较健康的零食了,乳酸夹心不错,不腻。一盒小小的好几小包。屯粮星人很满足~ #台湾徐福记酥心糖# 好吃到停不下来。比想象中的大包,才两天就干光了。一袋四个口味:椰子,果仁,黑芝麻,花生。椰子和黑芝麻口味的吃起来比较明显,自然最爱。花生也很不错,主要花生酥心糖比较普遍,物稀贵嘛,所以还是最爱椰子和芝麻味。果仁味的完全没吃出来,但是味道还是很ok。 #台湾金宝火腿# 亚米目前吃的最顺口的一款午餐肉!一打开有层薄薄的冻,肉咸香咸香。泡面绝配!但吃也可以啦其实,就是有点咸,灌点水就OK啊,哈哈哈哈哈。 #盼盼蕃茄味鸡味块# 不错,和国内一样好吃。但还是最喜欢麦香味。热量也不低,偶尔吃吃解解馋啊噗哈哈。