Slap the table for Nissin pasta! In high school and domestic boarding schools, I often go to the canteen to buy and eat, and I want to try the seafood who has never eaten it. Bolognese and cheese bacon are often eaten, and my personal favorite is the cheese bacon flavor. Now that I think about it, the taste is still very authentic, and the texture of pasta is close to the taste of fresh pasta that is not instant noodles.
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亚米精選 拍桌子求上日清意面! 高中在国内寄宿学校经常去小卖部买来吃,海鲜那个没吃过也想试试。意式肉酱和芝士培根经常吃,我个人最爱芝士培根风味的。现在想一想其实味道还是很正宗的,意面的口感也接近新鲜意面那种不是方便面的口感。