I don't know if there are "rice noodles" people who have eaten chicken pancakes? Praise for those who have eaten. I recommend Yami to come back and buy some chicken biscuits. I really like the taste of chicken pancakes. I used to go back to California bakery occasionally to buy it back to eat. But I haven't been to California in recent years. I really want to be able to easily buy chicken biscuits. It is also recommended that Yami can be put on the shelves. Expect.
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不知道有没有“米粉”们吃过鸡仔饼了没? 吃过的点赞哦。 推荐亚米找些鸡仔饼回来买。好喜欢鸡仔饼的味道。以前偶尔回去加州面包店买回来吃。但是近几年都好少去加州。好想能方便的购买到鸡仔饼。也推荐亚米能上架。 期待中。