
Homemade Taro Balls

Handmade Taro Ball Tutorial is here~~

Actually, this is my first time doing it hahaha I didn't expect it to be so successful! ! ! So bloated⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄. Look down the steps~~

step 1: Steam the sweet potato (or purple potato)

step 2: Pulverize

step 3: Mix with the prepared tapioca flour to form a dough (generally the ratio is about 3:2It's fine, fine-tune as needed. If you don't have tapioca flour, you can use sweet potato flour instead)

step 4: Finally, shape it into a shape you like, and you can cook it~  cook2 span>minutes until the taro balls float up(* ω)

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其实我也是第一次做哈哈哈哈 没想到这么成功!!!好膨胀呀⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄。步骤往下看喽~~

step 1: 将红薯(或者紫薯)蒸熟

step 2: 碾成泥状

step 3: 与准备好的木薯粉混合成面团状(一般来说比例大概3:2就可以,视情况微调。没有木薯粉的可以用地瓜粉代替)

step 4: 最后再捏成自己喜欢的形状,就可以下锅煮啦~  2分钟至芋圆浮起来就好了(*ω)