Zhengchou didn't have a place to show, and suddenly saw Yami's list, and quickly showed it... Recently I found an almighty boyfriend who is super good at cooking! Each one is his masterpiece! 👏👏👏 Richard will make persistent efforts! Brave new heights! (Wipe the mouth full of lard that has just finished eating the pork belly)
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亚米精選 正愁没有地方秀,突然看到亚米这个晒单,赶紧秀一波…最近找了个全能男朋友,超级会做菜!一下每一道都是他的杰作!👏👏👏 Richard同学再接再厉!勇创新高!(擦了擦刚刚吃完梅菜扣肉满是猪油的嘴)