
my morning and evening

Breakfast: Red Bean Pancakes with Soy Milk

Lunch Stew: Fish Maw Stewed Pork Bone Soup

Dinner: Fried cabbage with chicken and tofu

In fact, no matter how tired or busy you are, you have to work hard to cook and eat, because only when you eat well can you have more strength to fight and take care of those who need to be taken care of.

Cooking is time-consuming and tiring, but when you have a healthy body and a sense of happiness, all the hard work will be worth it!

This stew pot is especially recommended, it is really convenient and easy to use. During the confinement period, I bought it back to make soup to drink. Now that I take my children at home, I don't have much time to cook soup and watch the fire, so I have to rely on this pot to cook nourishing soup for me. Eating well and drinking good milk will be good, and your baby will be healthier. Share it here with the girls in need! Moisturizing and moisturizing the skin will be better~

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