
【Gege's Kitchen】Spicy and charming Sichuan Kuaishou maocai🌶️😋

#Gorgeous Kitchen#

#Kaishou Maocai#

🌶️🌶️Spicy and delicious Kuaishou Maocai😊❤️

Today I’m going to teach you how to make a super invincible and simple spicy quick hand Sichuan Maocai Too many less steps than the one I wrote before. The key is to make the same super delicious Very tasty Spicy and delicious Two bowls of rice in one sitting😄

First prepare:

1. A pack of hot pot base (this time I used Yami’s Dezhuang &Spicy Space)

2. One cucumber

3. A potato

4. A pack of enoki mushrooms

5. Three cabbage leaves

6. Tofu skin knots

7. Half box of quail eggs

8. A piece of egg tofu

9. Appropriate amount of hot pot powder

10. Moderate lunch meat

Wash all the above side dishes first < span class="s2">Sliced potatoes Sliced cucumbers < /span>Pre-cooked quail eggs Cured egg tofu Luncheon meat slices Hot pot powder with boiling water in advance Bubble

Get started Pour oil into the pot Fry the base of Dezhuang butter hot pot first Because it will be more fragrant It won't be boiled like plain water feeling and then pour in the boiled water Put the ones that are not easy to cook first the ones that are not easy to taste Cook in (enoki mushrooms/tofu skin Knot/Egg tofu/Chinese cabbage/hot pot noodles) Then pour into the spicy hot pot base Maybe I am very heavy span> It feels more spicy More flavorful If you can't eat spicy food, forget it. It's almost cooked. < /span>Pour in the lunch meat/Potato flakes/Cucumber slices/quail eggs It's ready in a while Sprinkle coriander in the pot Delicious spicy and spicy vegetables are ready! !

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今天来教大家做一款超级无敌简单的麻辣快手四川冒菜 比之前写的那个冒菜步骤少了太多 关键是做出来也一样的超级好吃 非常入味 麻辣鲜香 一口气两碗饭😄


1. 一包火锅底料(这次我用的亚米买的德庄&麻辣空间)

2. 黄瓜一根

3. 土豆一个

4. 金针菇一包

5. 白菜叶三片

6. 豆腐皮结子

7. 鹌鹑蛋半盒

8. 蛋豆腐一条

9. 火锅粉适量

10. 适量的午餐肉

首先把以上的配菜都洗干净 土豆切薄片 黄瓜切薄片 鹌鹑蛋提前煮熟 蛋豆腐切块 午餐肉切片 火锅粉提前用开水泡

开始做 倒油入锅 先把德庄牛油火锅底料炒至一下 因为这样会更香 不会像是白水煮出来的感觉 然后再倒入烧好的开水 先把不容易煮熟的 不怎么容易入味的 煮进去(金针菇啊/豆腐皮结子/蛋豆腐/大白菜/火锅粉啊) 然后倒入麻辣空间的清油火锅底料 可能我很重口啊 感觉这样更麻辣 更够味 不太能吃辣的就算了 接着煮的差不多了 倒入午餐肉/土豆薄片/黄瓜薄片/鹌鹑蛋 在煮一会儿就好了 起锅撒香菜 美味的麻辣冒菜就做好了!!