
A little story belonging to Lao Cai and his brother

My brother was not someone who would show affection in a high profile😭

Sorry Mainly this500Points are a bit attractive I can't help it 🙃

Part of the content is a bit nue Please skip it by yourself🤐

I am gluttonous I once said I would eat three servings by myself Chicken Chop Then the old dish says


Old dishes took the license plate test passed the test2never 

Weekend before third exam  span>

I want to make lemon black tea at home to take back to school for him to drink to give him food  

And then there is this conversation

We will play togetherlol

Because I only play Frozen So I only play

/span>adcbit then Lao Cai always chooses a support to play with me in the bottom lane

Until one time you tell me

And in the game, Lao Cai always protects me (I don't allow others to spray me😂)

I always love to expose the romance of old dishes

Then the good atmosphere finally turned into a rollover scene

I used to be addicted to Happy Xiaoxiaole I never got back to you in time span> Then you ask me

Once I stayed up late to choose a birthday present for Lao Cai You were with me say

Continuous rollover scene

Most romantic ever I think my computer broke once span> You useQQ Remotely help me install various antivirus software

I sat in front of the computer silently watching your mouse operation Finally you fixed it< /span> Openworddocument chat with me

Time flies really fast Unconsciously< span class="s1"> We've been together for a long time

I remember you once gave me a small hourglass

At the time I said No matter what time changes We will never change

You said OK

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不好意思 主要是这500积分有点吸引 实在没忍住🙃

部分内容有点nue 请自行跳过🤐

我很贪吃 有一次我说我要一个人吃三份鸡排 然后老菜说


老菜去考车牌 考了2次都没过 


我想在家做柠檬红茶带回去学校给他喝 给他美食上的鼓励 



因为我只会玩寒冰 所以我每次都只打adc 然后老菜每次都会选辅助跟我一起在下路打

直到有一次 你跟我说




以前我沉迷开心消消乐 总是没有及时回你 然后你问我

有一次我因为给老菜选生日礼物熬夜 你却跟我说


最浪漫的一次 我觉得是有一次我电脑坏了 你用QQ的远程帮我安装各种杀毒软件

我默默坐在电脑前看你鼠标操作 最后你修好了 打开word文档跟我聊天

时间过得真的好快 不知不觉 我们已经在一起很久了


当时我就说 不管时间再变 我们永远都不要变
