6.1 Children's Day, this is the photo of my baby taking her to Atlanta on her birthday. I saw Mickey Mouse driving it, and I must take a photo with it. Mickey Mouse and Disney are all children want to go to. I am no exception 😄😄, although I am old, as long as you have a young heart, you will never be old. Here also ㊗️ Yami and so staff Happy Children's Day and smooth work!
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亚米精選 6.1儿童节,这是之前我家宝贝生日带她去了Atlanta玩的照片,那天看到了米老鼠开的不得了一定要和它拍张照片回来,米老鼠、迪斯尼这可都是小孩子最想去的我也不例外😄😄,虽然年纪大了但只要你有一个年轻的心不会永远不老。在这里也㊗️亚米和所以工作人员儿童节快乐,工作顺利!