ah ah This gluttonous shredded potato is delicious I love spicy food and love all kinds of Sichuan Chongqing Guizhou Hunan dishes I saw this shredded potato was from Guizhou before and bought it He's the kind of crispy stick that tastes numb and spicy very crispy and fragrant If you like heavy taste, you can try it, choose spicy flavor I also hope that Yami sells
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啊啊啊 这个馋嘴香的土豆丝好好吃 我爱吃辣,喜欢各种四川重庆贵州湖南菜 之前看到这个土豆丝是贵州出的 就买了 他是那种味道很麻很辣的脆条 很脆很香 喜欢重口的你们可以去试一下,选麻辣味 也希望亚米有卖