🌟Angel Comb 🌟 It's not good to see this beauty haha I bought a medium size which is just right for our baby, thick hair is not suitable for this comb, you can try a large size! Baby, since I used this comb, my hair is not so easy to tangle Not only massages the scalp but also protects the hair! That is easy to use and high value ❤️ The thing that the baby must do every day now is to comb the hair haha Next time I will buy a large size for myself 😂
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亚米精選 🌟天使梳🌟 看到这颜值不入不行哈哈 我买的是中号刚好适合我们家宝贝用,头发厚的不适合这把梳子,可以试试大号的! 宝贝自从用了这把梳子头发也不那么容易打结 不仅可以按摩头皮还保护头发! 即好用颜值又高❤️ 宝贝现在每天必做的事情就是梳头发哈哈 下次要入一把大号给自己用😂