Mask punch card.Day1 Mask control. Six Innisfree Innisfree Rice Mask Apply a mask that is not distressing every day, but you can see the effect the next day at an affordable price. I stocked up more than 200 sheets last year, and this is the old packaging. Design: Nothing fancy Smell: not too smelly, anyway, if you just give me a mask, I can't tell the difference Mask texture: medium thickness (the same series is thicker), cotton The amount of essence: moderate, most of them are on the mask, after use, you need to wash off the essence, otherwise it will be too stuffy for oily skin Fit: big face friendly, fit is 70 points, a little too big, but the nose can be completely wrapped (even the nostrils can be glued) Good for sensitive skin: does not irritate the skin The main function: 1. Moisturizing: Normal 2. Solve dullness and brighten skin tone: it can be seen the next day 3. Softens dead skin cells and cleans pores: If I'm too lazy to apply a mask to cleanse my skin, I use this one. The pores and blackheads will be improved, which is the main reason I use this Second day maintenance: 80% skin tone is brightened, skin pores will feel much cleaner, and blackheads will also be improved Recommended in the same series: commonly used bamboo, rice, cucumber, rose Commonly recommended in the affordable series, it is also one of the commonly used cleansing masks. There are often buy one get one free events.
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亚米精選 面膜打卡.Day1 面膜控.六 Innisfree 悦诗风吟大米面膜 天天敷不心疼的面膜,平价却也能第二天看到效果。去年囤了200多张,这是旧版的包装了。 设计:没啥新奇的地方 气味:没太有味道,反正如果只给我面膜我是分辨不出来 面膜质地:厚度中等(同系列偏厚)、棉质 精华量:适中,属于大部分都在面膜上,用完之后需要洗掉精华,否则对混油皮太闷 贴合度:大脸友好,贴合度70分,有点太大,但是鼻子都能完全包好(连鼻孔都能糊上) 敏感肌肤有好度:不刺激皮肤 主要功能: 1. 保湿:一般 2. 解决暗沉、提亮肤色:第二天能看出来 3. 软化角质、清洁毛孔:我如果懒得用涂抹面膜来做皮肤清洁,就会敷这款。毛孔黑头都会有所改善,也是我用这款的主要原因 第二天维持度:80% 肤色提亮,皮肤毛孔会觉得干净了很多,黑头也有所改善 同系列推荐:常用的有竹子、大米、黄瓜、玫瑰 常用平价系列推荐,也是常用的清洁面膜之一。经常有买一送一活动。