🌿Recommend this super easy-to-use Banila makeup remover that I have repurchased infinitely, a large box of 100ml, a large capacity 😁😁😁 Korean products, it is said to be suitable for combination, neutral, oily, dry, Sensitive skin (haha means everything 🤣) its main functions are moisturizing, deep cleansing, moisturizing, cleansing, shrinking pores, removing makeup, and it is said to be suitable for both men and women😍😍😍 🌿This Baniran softening makeup remover is said to be a cream, but it is actually very soft. It is not an ordinary cream but is close to a milky texture. It is not greasy and very mild. It can also be used by girls with sensitive skin. I found that it is easy to melt when heated, and can be integrated into the skin to take away excess makeup. All kinds of eyeliner, lipstick and eyeliner are no problem, and can be easily removed 😘😘😘😘 🌿The method of use is also very simple, keep the hands and face dry, then apply an appropriate amount to the face, spread it on the face, lips, and eye areas that need to be removed, add an appropriate amount of warm water to emulsify, and gently circle Massage, and finally wipe off the makeup remover with a cotton pad, and rinse off the remaining makeup remover on the face with water. 💕💕💕After using the makeup remover, I still feel that this makeup remover does not hurt the skin and will not hurt. So I bought a lot of them. Picture 1 and 2 are new models. Picture 3 and 4 are old models that I bought before. They are really easy to use and highly recommended!
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亚米精選 🌿推荐这个我无限回购的超好用的这个Zero的Banila的卸妆膏,一大盒100ml,很大的容量了😁😁😁韩国的产品,据说适用混合性、中性、油性、干性、敏感性肤质(哈哈就是说所有喽🤣)其主要功效是保湿补水、深层清洁、滋润、清洁、收缩毛孔、卸妆,而且据说男女都适用😍😍😍 🌿这个芭妮兰致柔卸妆膏说是膏状,其实非常柔软,不是一般的霜状而是接近于乳状的质地,不油腻,十分温和,敏感肌肤的妹纸也可以放心使用,上手就会发现受热很容易融化,可以融入进皮肤深层带走多余的彩妆,各种眼线口红眼线都没问题,可以轻松卸掉😘😘😘😘 🌿使用方法也很简单,保持手部脸部干燥,然后取适量涂抹到脸上,在需要卸妆的面部、唇部、眼部肌肤上抹开,同时加适量温水进行乳化,轻轻地打圈按摩,最后用卸妆棉擦净卸妆膏,用清水洗净脸上残留的卸妆膏即可。💕💕💕用过卸妆水之后觉得还是这个卸妆膏不伤皮肤不会擦的疼。所以我买了很多个了,图一二是新款,图三四是我以前买的老款,真的超级好用,强烈推荐!