Life needs 有香. Sometimes remembering a person is not necessarily just his appearance, clothes, bags, but also the smell of his body. Whether it's perfume or cologne, sweet or cool, perfume always mixes with everyone's own scent to form a unique, unique scent that only belongs to you. If you haven't found the one that belongs to your own taste, you might as well collect all kinds of cute Q fragrances to test the water. The set from the big brand will be a very good choice. It is suitable for both gifts and personal use.
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生活需要有香. 有时候记住一个人,不一定只是记得ta的外貌、衣着、包包,也可能是ta身上若有似无的味道. 无论是perfume或是cologne,甜美或是清冷,香水总会和每个人自身的气味混和,形成特有的、只属于你的味道. 如果还未找到那支属于自己味道的the one,不妨先收集各种可爱的Q香来试试水. 大牌出的套装会是很不错的选择. 送礼自用两相宜.