Come, come, learn about lo mein in Indonesia! Tear two pieces of Chinese cabbage, blanch and remove Chopped chives, diced sausage, cooked noodles Stir fry shallots, sausages, add the noodles Finally, add the boiled cabbage and add a spoonful of bean paste or hot sauce! It's great~ Don't throw away the noodle soup, turn it into original food~
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来来来 印尼捞面学起来! 大白菜手撕两片 焯水后捞出 香葱切末 香肠切丁 面煮熟捞出 翻炒小葱 香肠 加入捞出的面 最后加入焯水的白菜 加一勺豆瓣酱或辣酱! 棒棒哒 ~ 面汤不要丢 原汤化原食嘛 ~