
Must-buy snacks list in Yachao

As a (age) senior (weight) heavyweight foodie, I love to search for all kinds of little-known delicious snacks, and do not hesitate to sacrifice the body at the expense of the cake, to be recommended by real name These new snacks in Chinese, Japanese and Korean supermarkets!

Angel Potato Chips

Where to buy:99 Ranch Dahua Supermarket/ Yamibuy❗️< /p>

Recommendation index:🌟🌟🌟

👼🏻 🥔 Angel potato chips are very popular recently, especially the pepper and numb flavor, which is almost unanimously recommended by my friends. So I am not very good at this. Southerners who can eat spicy food are looking for a try.

The taste is relatively heavy, and all kinds of pepper and star anise are sprinkled all over the package. Eating too much will make you very angry. The potato chips are also quite oily and deep fried. I just started to eat, I am not used to the light taste, I think it is too spicy and too salty . Inadvertently took a pear to accompany it, and the more I ate it, the more delicious it became. Probably the sweet and juicy pears dilute the salty and spicy taste of potato chips, and also solve the greasy..

Accidentallygetto a delicious way, amazing .

Matcha chips

Where to buy:99 Ranch Dahua Supermarket

Recommendation index:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

🍵 Season limited edition, not every Chinese Super League can buy it. It's pure luck if you don't get it..

🍵 Add a small amount of matcha powder, which is lighter than the normal flavor< /span>. Not the expected bitter matcha flavor, nor the sweet artificial flavor. Lay's potato chips are relatively dry on their own, without the greasy feeling that is typical of most p0 foods. It is quite suitable with matcha flavoring. 

🍵I will definitely repurchase when I meet again. p>

Taiwan Beer|Fruit Slightly Drunk Lychee

Where to buy:99 Ranch Dahua Supermarket

Recommendation index:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

🍺 I can drink two drinks in one go Cans, very rare.

🍺 The alcohol content is not high, and the lychee taste is light and smooth . It feels like drinking fruity sparkling water. It is as refreshing as a sip of cold barley tea in the middle of summer. One sip and love it , I want to go to the supermarket to buy an extra box.

🍺 When it comes to buying beer, be inUtahA new mommy friend told me,UtahThe supermarket does not sell alcohol.. And I don't think Taiwan beer can be in general< span class="s1">liquid storesfind it. So, Waiting for you to drink~

Sangaria|Strawberry Milk

Where to buy:Mitsuwa Japanese supermarket

Recommendation index:🌟🌟🌟🌟

🍓 Smells like a little girl first love< span class="s1">.

🥛 The same is strawberry milk, Bingray (yes, it is banana milk) That brand) is very strong and flavorful, this one is much more well-behaved, and the artificial flavor is also acceptable.. Many dairy drinks leave an indescribable fermented taste in the mouth after drinking, sangarianone, not at all . For this benefit, I am willing to choose her from a colorful and lovely cold drink cabinet.

🍓 refrigerate is better.

Thai Soy Milk

Where to buy:H Mart Korean supermarket

Recommendation index:🌟🌟🌟🌟

🥛 I tried this Thai soy milk a few years ago and I have never forgotten it. It is a glass bottle that reminds me of Yang Xiecheng's soy milk after swimming class when I was a child. It can be regarded as a childhood memory. Second, this soy milk is added with [milk powder], which is very fragrant..< /span>

🥛 Although milk powder is added, it does not feel like pure soy milk, but The taste is so well grasped that I can't help but keep wanting to drink it even knowing there are fake ingredients.   span>

💡【If you want pure soy milk and like glass bottles, I suggest you buy Northeast soy milk, the soy flavor is very fragrant】 .

🥛 Thai soy milk has never been seen in North America, and some friends say that I saw it in a supermarket in Southeast Asia, and I went looking for it, but it didn't work.. I saw it in Han Chao last week, and I immediately slammed it for two. packGo home, put it in the refrigerator and drink it slowly~

Magi planet|Popcorn

Where to buy:H Mart Korean supermarket

Recommendation Index: (Black Pepper Corn Chowder)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

                   (Caramel Flavor) 🌟🌟🌟

🍿️This one can't wait to be released yesterday. Amway everyone, so I won't be verbose here. Babies can click in to see~

🍿️ I would like to compliment the packaging, it is well sealed to prevent moisture

/span>. There is also a moisture-proof bag inside, so you can't finish it in a while, press the wrapping paper to cover the lid, and it will not get wet for a week< /span>. This is commendable👏🏻

🏆 This issue of the supermarket sweeping goods is here, all are near I have tasted delicious new snacks in North America for a while. I really hope that Yami can buy it, so that we can buy it at home~

Let's hold hands on the way to eat, meow~

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購買地點:99 Ranch 大華超市/ 亚米网❗️


👼🏻 🥔天使土豆片最近很火,特別是椒麻味,幾乎得到身邊小夥伴一致推薦. 於是我這個不怎麼能吃辣的南方人屁顛屁顛地去找來一試.

口味比較重,各種花椒八角類的香料灑滿整包. 多吃會非常上火. 薯片也還蠻油的,炸得很透. 剛開始食,我這個口味清淡的人是有些不習慣,覺得太辣太鹹. 無意中拿了一顆梨陪著吃,竟然越吃越滋味. 大概是梨的清甜多汁沖淡了薯片的鹹辣,也解了油膩吧.



購買地點:99 Ranch 大華超市


🍵 季節限定版,不是每家中超都能買到,遇不遇得到純屬運氣.

🍵 添加了少量抹茶粉,比一般口味的來得清淡些. 不是想像中的苦澀抹茶味,也不是甜甜的人工味道. 樂事的薯片本身就做得比較乾爽,沒有大部分膨化食品特有的油膩感,配上抹茶調味蠻合適的. 


台湾啤酒|果微醺 荔枝

購買地點:99 Ranch 大華超市


🍺 能讓我這種滴酒不沾星人一口氣喝兩罐,非常難得.

🍺 酒精含量不高,荔枝味清淡而順口. 感覺就像喝果味濃的氣泡水. 像盛夏時喝下的一大口冰涼麥茶般沁人心脾. 嚐一口就愛上了,一心想去超市多買一箱.

🍺 說到買啤酒,身處Utah的新手媽咪朋友告訴我,Utah的超市是沒有酒賣的. 而我也並不覺得台灣啤酒能在一般的liquid stores找得到. 所以,等你來喝唷~


購買地點:Mitsuwa 日本超市


🍓 像初戀小女孩般甜甜的味道.

🥛 同樣是草莓牛奶,賓格瑞(對,就是香蕉牛奶那個牌子)家的很濃很香精,這款的表現就乖巧多了,人工味道也是可接受範圍. 好多奶類飲品喝完口腔會留有難以言明的發酵味,sangaria的沒有,完全沒有. 就衝著這點好處,我願意從一片花花綠綠繽紛可愛的冷飲櫃裡選擇她.

🍓 冷藏更好喝.


購買地點:H Mart 韓國超市


🥛 這款泰國豆奶幾年前嚐過以後一直念念不忘,一是玻璃瓶裝會想起小時候游泳課後的楊協成豆奶,算是一個童年記憶點吧;二是這款豆奶添加了【奶粉】,喝起來特別香.

🥛 雖說添加了奶粉,感覺上就不是純豆奶了,但味道把握得太好了,以至於明知道有虛假成分還是忍不住一直想喝.  


🥛 泰國豆奶在北美一直沒見到過,有朋友說曾經在東南亞超市看到過,去找了,未果. 上週在韓超竟然看到了,馬上幚了兩pack回家,放冰箱裡冰著慢慢喝~

Magi planet|爆米花

購買地點:H Mart 韓國超市


                   (焦糖咔滋味) 🌟🌟🌟

🍿️這款昨天已經迫不及待發了晒貨安利大家了,在這裡就不囉嗦了. 寶寶們可以點進去看~

🍿️ 想特別稱讚一下包裝,有密封包裝好,防止受潮. 裡面還有防潮包,一時吃不完,壓著包裝紙蓋上蓋子,放一週也不會受潮. 這點值得誇獎👏🏻

🏆 這期的超市掃貨就到這裡啦,都是近段時間嚐到好吃的、在北美新上的零食新品,很希望亞米可以進貨,讓我們安坐家中就能買到~
