【小可乐的爱用物推荐】Daiso Puff Cleaner💕 This recommendation is a super cheap item. Daiso's puff cleaner. Puff cleaning is a very important step in your daily routine. If the puff and makeup brush are not cleaned properly. The first point is that it has a great impact on coloring. will mix colors.. At one point, it will clog pores. This puff cleanser is something I have been repurchasing and using.. Not to mention the value for money.. That's only $3 for a big bottle. Can be used for a long time. Every time I wash it once or twice, it will be clean. as new. I'm teaching you a little way to clean... You can find a sealed bag first.. Put the beauty egg or puff that needs to be washed in. Add water and detergent. Then soak.. This method not only cleans... And very economical! Alright. Finished sharing today. ✨ Hope you all like it.
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亚米精選 【小可乐的爱用物推荐】大创粉扑清洗剂💕 这篇推荐的是一款超平价好物。 大创的粉扑清洗剂。 粉扑清洗是日常中非常重要的一步。 粉扑及化妆刷如果不做好清洁。 第一点就是对上色有很大的影响.. 会混色.. 在一点就是会堵塞毛孔。 这一款粉扑清洗剂是我一直在回购及使用的.. 性价比就不多说了.. 这么一大瓶才3美金.. 可以用很久。 每次洗个一两遍就会洗的干干净净.. 和新的一样。 在教大家一个清洗的小方法.. 可以先找一个密封袋.. 把需要清洗的美妆蛋或粉扑放进去。 加入清水及清洁剂。 然后进行浸泡.. 这个方法不仅洗的干净.. 并且很省! 好啦。 今日分享完毕。✨ 希望大家喜欢。