
Recommended good things for cakes under 10 knives (1)

🥚 Real Techniques|Beauty Egg x 4

I watched a public Zong account push a few weeks ago, and 10 grabbed it with a knife RTHome4Personal Makeup Egg.

I have used it beforeBeautyBlender, never used itRTHome. Buy it for use, I feel that it is no worse than BBhome, even more like.

⭕️ Wet and dry use. 

I have oily skin and prefer the moisturizing feeling. I always feel The wet beauty egg is more suitable for makeup, and it is not easy to float..

The moistened beauty egg will expand a circle larger than the original one. Super good feel, soft and soft to fill the palm of the hand.

⭕️ I especially like its bevel, the plane contact area is large, and a single printing The liquid foundation has a large area, and the makeup speed is naturally faster than BB.  

⭕️ Tip andBBBeauty Eggs are similar in design, and they can be used to treat delicate parts such as the nose and the corners of the eyes.. 

⭕️ RTHome Beauty Egg RatioBBThe house is dense and solid, and I don’t eat so much powder, so the makeup looks better thanBB< /span>The home is heavier, but the advantage is that the concealer effect is better.

I feel that the soft and dense skin-friendly feel and the speed of makeup application are what I thinkRTBeautyBlender is better than BeautyBlender, and the price is even more affordable< span class="s4">big plusnow!

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🥚 Real Techniques|美妆蛋 x 4


以前一直用BeautyBlender,没有用过RT家的. 买来一用,觉得完全不比BB家差,甚至更喜欢.

⭕️ 干湿两用都可以. 

我一油皮,更喜欢打湿了的水分感. 总觉得打湿的美妆蛋上妆更贴服,不易浮粉.

沾湿后的美妆蛋会膨胀比原来大一圈. 手感超好,绵绵软软填满手心.

⭕️ 特别喜欢它的斜面,平面接触面积大,单次印开粉底液面积大,上妆速度自然比BB. 

⭕️ 尖头和BB家美妆蛋设计类似,都能很好地对付鼻翼眼角等微细部位. 

⭕️ RT家的美妆蛋比BB家的绵密扎实,吃粉没那么多,所以妆感看上去会比BB家重一些些,不过这好处是遮瑕效果也更好了.

柔软且绵密的亲肤感、上妆速度的提升是我觉得RT家美妆蛋比BeautyBlender更胜一筹的原因,价格可人就更是一个big plus了!