Travel strategy "New York 5-Day Tour"----Day3
Day3 itinerary: united nations--central station--Rockefeller--central park--times square
It was another day of going out early. Since the tickets for united nations were reserved on the first day, the first attraction today was the United Nations Headquarters. Go out and get on the subway and you will be near the United Nations. When we arrived, we first took the passport on the opposite side and exchanged for the wristband and the sticker of the identification mark, then entered the United Nations, went through security check, checked-in, got the time sheet, and waited.
Wait until 10:45, it's finally our turn. Yes, when you make an appointment, you can choose to join other language groups, not just English. You can choose the language of the permanent members, but you need to make some reservations in advance. There are not too many such groups. In the United Nations, I visited many meeting places, and the docent will explain the history of the United Nations. The trip ended in more than an hour, which is still very fast.
Saw the advertisement of Cantonese food on the road and decided to come back for Cantonese food at noon. We went out and went back to the Cantonese food restaurant. I didn't expect it to be a fast food. , this is really too little. After eating, I thought about Lady M's cake that I didn't eat last time I came to New York, so I must try it this time. On the way to the Rockefeller building, we went to the Central Station on the way, and then went to the New York Public Library. It was built in 1911. It is very old and has a strong cultural atmosphere.
Finally I went to Rockefeller, just happened to have local food selling downstairs, bought a bottle of maple ginger beer, surprisingly delicious! ! While drinking, I went to Lady M, and the matcha lasagna was really delicious. In the United States, a country that is too sweet, this cake is not sweet at all, and it is thin and smooth. Because I have already climbed to the top floor to see New York last time, I will not go up this time. If you haven't seen it, you can still go up and have a look. It is very convenient to buy tickets by yourself.
I rested for a while while eating cake, and then I went to see Central Park in summer. The last time I went there was heavy snow, which was very romantic. Thinking that the scenery in summer would be different, I went there again. I met a wine seller on the way, and just brought my passport, so I bought beer. Going to the park, sitting on a stool, drinking beer, it's really cool. The pigeons were also fed in the park.
Sit and searched yelp, and found a New York Internet celebrity street stall Halal guys. I wanted to try it, so I walked back to 53rd Street. At 6 o'clock, I ate Halal guys, a well-deserved roadside stall. A huge platter for $8 is just right for two people. Whether it is suits or people who come to travel, they are all queuing up. Sitting on the side of the road, eating at the roadside stall, drinking beer, I feel so happy~ I was full and ready to go back, but I walked around and couldn't find the subway station, and I was about to collapse. After many rounds, I finally got on the subway to go home at 7:30!
I was so tired that I didn't want to go out tonight. Anyway, I've been to the times square at night in winter. It's boring to stay in the hotel, so I still have to go out and play. The little biscuits said that we were hungry, so we went out and went downstairs to choose a western food and ordered some casually. The taste was okay. Running 16km today.
The itinerary a few days ago has been planning by Biscuit, and tomorrow's itinerary is planned by me.
Thanks for watching~
day3 行程: united nations--中央车站--Rockefeller--central park--times square
又是早早出门的一天,由于第一天就预约了united nations的票,今天第一个景点就是联合国总部。出门坐上地铁就到了联合国附近。到了先在对面拿着护照兑换了手环和身份标示的贴纸,然后进入联合国,安检,check-in,拿到时间条,就等呀等。
等到10:45,终于轮到我们啦。 对啦预约到时候可以选择参加其他的语言团,不只是英语哦~常任理事国的语言都可以选择,不过要提前一些预定。这种团不是太多。在联合国参观了很多开会的地方,讲解员会讲解联合国的历史,一个多小时就结束了行程,还是很快的。
路上看见了粤菜的广告决定中午回来吃粤菜,我们出门折回那个粤菜的餐厅,没想到是个快餐,分量又小味道也一般,都进去了,就吃吧~比起美国食物的大份,这个真的太少啦。吃完想着Lady M的蛋糕上次来纽约没吃成,这次一定要试一试。就往Rockefeller building走,途中我们去了中央车站,又去了纽约公共图书馆,1911年建的吧,非常古老了,浓浓的文化气息。
终于走到了Rockefeller,刚好楼下有local food在卖,买了一瓶maple ginger beer,出奇地好喝!!一边喝一边去了Lady M, 吃了抹茶千层是真的好吃,在美国这个甜起来腻死人的国家,这个蛋糕一点都不甜,冰冰的薄薄的,很顺口。 因为上次已经登上顶楼看过纽约了, 这次就不在上去,没看过的还是可以登上去看一看,自助买票很方便。
坐着搜了搜yelp,发现一家纽约的网红路边摊Halal guys,很想去尝一尝,就又走回了53街。在6点吃上了名不虚传的路边摊Halal guys。8刀一份的platter巨大的一份,两个人吃刚刚好。无论是西装革履的还是来旅游的人,都在排队。坐着路边吃路边摊,喝着啤酒,觉得好幸福呀~吃饱喝足准备回,可是走来走去,没找到地铁站,整个人要虚脱了。兜兜转转很多圈终于在7点半踏上了回家的地铁!
本来累的要死,说今晚就不出去了,反正晚上的times square冬天也去过了。待在酒店很无聊,还是要出去耍一耍。小饼干说饿了,我们就出门去楼下选了个西餐随便点了点,味道还行。今天运动16km。