🍁秋日穿搭打卡🍁Day 3 A pair of skinny jeans and a plaid shirt, if you are afraid of the cold wind, you can wear a thin sweater outside, and a pair of short boots and a hat, so that you can keep your hair in the seaside street Be blown away, have a beautiful day. #秋日穿搭打卡
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🍁秋日穿搭打卡🍁Day 3 一件緊身年仔褲配上格子襯衫,如果怕冷風吹入可以待配一件薄毛衣穿在外面,再配一雙短靴和帽子, 讓你在海邊的街上保持頭髮不會被吹亂, 美美的過一天 。#秋日穿搭打卡