
【Fried Chicken Kitchen】Zero-Failed New York Heavy Cheesecake

Heavy cheese is really a magical existence, not only because it is delicious, but also because it is easy to make and almost never fails!

Just mix the ingredients in order (Huh, I think I said that when I made that Basque cheesecake?) This time I made a 6-inch cupcake with a few more. I do things randomly hahaha

Biscuit base material: chocolate graham cracker 90g and butter 35g, although many recipes say to use Oreo, I personally prefer the biscuit base made by grahamcracker, it will not be so sweet and greasy.

Cheesecake Ingredients: Two boxes of creamcheese softened at room temperature about 450g, cream 30g, half a lemon, 100g white sugar, three eggs, two tablespoons of flour, and an appropriate amount of vanilla extract.

1. Melt the butter, add the crushed biscuits to the processor and mix, pour into the bottom of the cake mold and compact it and put it in the refrigerator for later use
2. Add the softened cream cheese to the mixer, add sugar, eggs, flour, vanilla extract and lemon juice and mix well to make the cheese paste.
3. Pour the cheese batter into the cake tin, shake it twice to release the air bubbles, and bake in a preheated 360°F oven for one hour. Take it out and let it cool, then put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate overnight.

After shrinking, you can add pectin or cream on top to sell it and it will be very good!
The addition of lemon juice is very boring, I can eat half of it at a time hahahaha

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只要把原料按顺序混合就可以啦(咦好像之前我做那个巴斯克乳酪蛋糕的时候也这么说过?) 这次做了六寸的加几个纸杯蛋糕。我做东西很随意的哈哈哈哈

饼干底材料:chocolate graham cracker 90g和黄油 35g,虽然很多菜谱都说用奥利奥但是我个人比较喜欢grahamcracker做的饼干底,吃起来不会这么甜腻。

乳酪蛋糕材料: 两盒室温软化的creamcheese大约450g,奶油30g,柠檬半颗,白砂糖100g,鸡蛋三个,面粉两大勺,香草精适量。

1. 黄油融化加入处理机打碎的饼干碎混合,倒入蛋糕模具底部压实放到冰箱备用
2. 软化的奶油奶酪加入厨师机,加入白砂糖,鸡蛋,面粉,香草精和柠檬汁搅打均匀就是奶酪糊了。
3. 奶酪糊倒入蛋糕模,震两下把气泡震出来加入预热到360°F的烤箱里烤一个小时。拿出来放凉再放到冰箱冷藏一晚上最好吃
