Happiness ❤️Two people | Day11 Super delicious spicy and crispy cold seaweed shreds🌶

Today's second dish sharing is a cold dish that I like very much"Spicy and refreshing kelp salad" This is also a super "All-match"Dish!Because it can not only serve with porridge and rice can also be served with noodles...hahaha< span class="s1">NA variety of ways to eat!and salad Kelp silk is also a very suitable side dish for spring, summer, autumn and winter~Not only delicious but also appetizing!

And the process of making spicy shredded kelp salad is also very simple and easy to use !

👉First you need to prepare ingredients: Appropriate amount of shredded kelp and shredded carrot 

👉Then prepare the seasoning: Garlic Ginger Millet Spicy Scallions

👉Start making when you're ready!

Setp①Clean the kelp silk Boil the water in the pot Pour in the kelp and cook 4-5minutes!then pour out the shower Keep the kelp crispy and crisp!

Setp②Carrots shredded Dice wild peppers Chop ginger and garlic finely

Setp③Condiments Add salt chicken essence Light Soy Sauce Fragrance Oil Cooked oil chili Zanthoxylum noodle < span class="s2">Pepper oil (a small amount of vinegar/< /span>I don't like vinegar very much no)

Setp④Mix the seasonings and garnishes with shredded kelp Then you can wear gloves to pinch the shredded kelp and shredded radish for better flavor The taste Better!

😋A super spicy, appetizing and refreshing shredded kelp is ready The taste is refreshing and easy to eat!And it is better than the bagged kelp silk bought. More healthy and hygienic The taste is not as good as the kelp in the store 😋

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幸福❤️两人食 | Day11 超好吃的麻辣脆爽凉拌海带丝🌶

今天的第二份菜式分享是我超级喜欢的一款凉菜"麻辣爽口凉拌海带丝" 这也是一份超级下饭的"百搭"!因为它不仅可以配稀饭配米饭 还可以配面...哈哈哈N种吃法!而且凉拌海带丝也是一款春夏秋冬都超适合的小菜~不仅好吃还开胃!


👉首先需要准备食材: 适量海带丝 和胡萝卜丝 

👉然后准备调料: 姜末 小米辣


Setp①海带丝洗干净 锅烧开水水开后 倒入海带丝煮4-5分钟!然后倒出冲凉水 保持海带丝脆爽的口感!

Setp②胡萝卜切细丝 野山椒切丁 姜蒜剁细备用

Setp③调制佐料 加入盐 鸡精 生抽 香油 熟油辣椒 花椒面 花椒油 (少量醋/我不是很喜欢醋 没加)

Setp④将调料和配菜和海带丝一起拌 然后可以戴手套将海带丝和萝卜丝使劲捏一下更好入味 口感更好!

😋一份超级麻辣开胃又爽口的凉拌海带丝就做好了 口感清爽又下饭!而且比买的袋装海带丝更加的健康卫生 味道也不输外面店里的海带丝😋