
Depth charges blow your mind

If you haven't used this famous depth charge, I ask everyone to give it a try. From combination to dry skin, it is super invincible and suitable. I have used up two empty bottles since last year.

🌟First experience:

Thanks to Scattered Plants, this depth charge is really useful! I have always felt that only moisturizing creams is not suitable for a 30-year-old aunt like me, but! I was amazed after using the depth bomb for a day! The skin is supple and supple, the complexion is also good-looking, brightened a lot, and the complexion of the lining is more even. Such immediate skin care results, in addition to SK2andLa Mer, I haven't really experienced it. But this one only needs $38!The effect is so amazing and no one!

Not only does it work great, it also feels great to use! There is a cool feeling on the face, with the light blue cream, you can also smell a light orange smell, and instantly feel relaxed. I really love the smell of this face cream. If there is a similar fragrance, I will definitely add it.

🌟Empty Bottle Review

Every time Sephora goes on sale, I empty my bottle, and I really didn't use it so fast before. So it's not very durable. Just value$38, not too expensive even for three bottles a year.

The first time you experience it, you will feel overly moisturized, but your skin will be a little oily after a day. So for combination skin, this gel form cream is more than enough for winter use.

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深水炸弹 炸出你的小心心



感谢散散的种草,这套深水炸弹实在是太好用了!我一直觉得面霜只补水不太适合像我这种奔三十的老阿姨,但是!用了深水炸弹一天就被惊艳到了!皮肤水嫩嫩的,肤色也好看亮白了很多,衬的肤色更均匀了。这么立竿见影的护肤效果,除了SK2La Mer,我还真没体会过。但是这款只需要$38!效果就这么惊艳也没谁了!




初次体验会有觉得过水润,一天下来皮肤反而有些出油。所以对于混合皮肤,这款gel form的面霜冬天使用也绰绰有余。