20 Oreo Chocolate Cup Cake Challenge 🍪 It's been almost half a year since I graduated within three months of employment I met a lot of new friends When I have a problem that I don't know how to handle They all patiently explained to me and helped me solve Nice to meet them I am really lucky I know they usually like to eat So this week took advantage of the weekend Made this Oreo Salted Cream Chocolate Cupcakes I am very happy, even though my hand-painted decorations are ugly, my colleagues all praise my cakes are beautiful and taste good. Thanks 💕 First time making 20 cupcakes For a baker like me It's really not easy, but I gradually understand it in practice It turns out that I still have many, many deficiencies on the road of baking. There is still a long, long way to learn Remind yourself to be humble at all times and not be complacent 🧐
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亚米精選 20只奥利奥巧克力Cup Cake挑战🍪 不知不觉毕业已经快半年了 在入职的三个月里 我认识了很多新的朋友 在我遇到不懂处理的问题的时候 都耐心地跟我讲解帮我解决 很开心遇到他们 我真的很幸运 知道他们平时很爱吃 所以这周利用了周末的时间 做了这款 奥利奥咸奶油巧克力纸杯蛋糕 很开心 尽管我的手残裱花很难看 但是我的同事都夸赞我的蛋糕做得好漂亮 味道也不错 感恩💕 第一次做20只纸杯蛋糕 对于我这个烘培新手来说 确实不容易 也慢慢在实践中明白 原来在烘培的道路上我还有很多很多的不足 要学习的路还很长很长 告诫自己 时刻保持谦虚 可不能骄傲自满哦🧐