Kat Von D Metal Matte eyeshadow, this 眼影盘 I bought at Sephora a long time ago, the original price is $39, only $24 with a discount. I thought it was cheap and looked good, so I took it. It is 5 sequin colors and corresponding 5 matte. I love sequin colors and I love all 5 of them! Especially the first one, the white one, the fine glitter is very beautiful! When I painted with it yesterday, it hit me in the eye, it was beautiful. And this color can also be used as a highlighter! That's what I used yesterday, hit the cheek and the bridge of the nose, and it's great. The powder is very good and the color is very good. Such a plate is also very practical, and it can be used for everyday or not everyday. Real name recommendation! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
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亚米精選 Kat Von D Metal Matte eyeshadow,这个眼影盘是我好久之前在丝芙兰买的,原价39刀,有折扣才24刀。觉着便宜,看着不错,就收了。 它是5个亮片色和对应的5个雾面。我很喜欢亮片色,这5个我都很喜欢!尤其是第一个,白色的这个,细闪很漂亮!我昨天用它画的时候,打在眼头,很美。而且这个颜色还可以拿来当高光使用!我昨天就是这么用的,打在cheek和鼻梁上,美滋滋。 粉质很不错,显色度也非常好。这么一盘也非常实用,日常的,不日常的都可以化。实名推荐!٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و