This is how you should eat on New Year's Eve

My dad at this time of year says to cook less this year, otherwise I won’t be able to finish itbla bla bla..... .But ah, every year when it comes to cooking, I forget everything I said before, and start the mode of cooking and cooking! I'm also quite speechless😓Anyway, I always have something to eatChild😄Although I have a lot of food left, I don’t have to worry about what to eat for a few days at the back door😂

Every year on New Year's Eve, I have the heavy responsibility of taking pictures of these delicacies, so this year is no exception, everyone went to my circle of friends to steal pictures😂, I just got a new phone this year, and the result is still very good😄 span>I won't say much nonsense, let's introduce these dishes!

This King Crab Yi Noodle is first fried and placed on a plate, then the steamed king crab is spread, and finally the sauce is poured. My 10month-old son patted the table and let me eat two legs😄 There is no doubt about whether it is delicious or not

Braised duck meat, this dish cooked by my father does not know how many people like it. It is fragrant and delicious, and the more chewed it is, the more fragrant it is!

Lobster steamed fans! I was a little scared of lobster, so I only ate vermicelli, it tasted great, I ate a lot😄

Braised pork is a must-have dish that my sister-in-law requires, but I didn't eat it. I don't want to eat any meat during pregnancy, and it's quite perverted😂

My sister's favorite beef short ribs with black pepper, last year I was reluctant to eat it and wanted to keep it and eat it slowly. Who wants to be eaten up, so I ate it this year

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This dish was made by my dad who went to other stores and thought it was delicious. I admired him very much. I heard that it was marinated first and then marinated. Marinate for too long, otherwise the meat will be rotten. After marinating, drain it and fry it. It tastes very good.

Drunken pork ribs are also essential, my family3young nephew is I ate a lot😄

Old duck stewed with Cordyceps sinensis, there are mushrooms and sea cucumbers in it, but because my dad added some old wine in it, I didn't drink it, but it tasted so good, I almost didn't drink it. Hold back😂

Okay, this is the end of this article, thank you for watching!

I still have one article that I haven’t code yet, I will try my best to code it out today😄

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每年这个时候我家老爸都说今年要少煮一点,不然都吃不完bla bla bla......但是啊,每年到煮的那一刻,之前说的全抛脑后,开始大煮特煮的模式!我也是挺无语的😓不管怎样,我总归是有口福的孩子😄虽然吃的剩下很多,但是后门几天吃啥都不用愁了😂










