February 11, 2019
# 什么值得买 # # 28天面膜打卡 # # 2018剁手红榜 # # 开箱大吉 # la la la la single sun again, I bought in Yami most is the mask! Today, I came to the mask to check in again. In the winter, I must put on a mask to replenish moisture. This mask is the "leaf" mask in the abom baby mask because I forgot what it is called...Let's call it for now...I bought this mask at Yamibuy It's been three times, and I remember this mask... it seems to be in the mask package that I bought together before! I really like the masks in this series, because there are two or three small leaves in it, which makes applying the mask more fun!
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# 什么值得买 # # 28天面膜打卡 # # 2018剁手红榜 # # 开箱大吉 # 啦啦啦又来晒单啦,我在亚米买的最多的就是面膜了!今天又来面膜打卡了,大冬天的一定要敷面膜好好补水,这款面膜是abom婴儿面膜里面的“树叶”面膜 因为我忘了叫啥所以…暂且叫树叶…这款面膜我在亚米买了有三次了,这片面膜我记得…好像是之前拼单买的面膜大礼包里面的!我很喜欢这个系列的面膜,因为里面有两三片小树叶,让敷面膜也变得更有趣了呢!