A note from the teacher

Prepare for the kids in the goose classgoody bagsAfter that.I am going to prepare some small gifts for the teacher, I plan to buy chocolate.

The Valentine's Day chocolate section in every supermarket is really going to explode! ! !

I am not a chocolate addict.So a lot of chocolate I Haven't tried it yet..I don't know what to do..< /span>Then I can only play cards according to the style..Various styles are really Picked up my eyes.

Look and go.Pick and go< /span>.Finally decided to buy the following two items.Champagne styles and roses🌹Styles.

It still feels special.The bottle contains Many different brands of chocolate.are individually wrapped. span>This is a good choice for those who do not know the teacher's preferences.There is always a Will you like it?

Not to mention roses.Valentine's Day Sending roses.All right!

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给鹅子班级里的小朋友们准备好goody bags之后.就是要给老师准备一些小礼物了,打算买巧克力.




