# 亚米厨房 # # 百万积分第五季 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation2301bcd30d4f4e5ba7a7a Pregnant women are so helpless, especially at home. After eating a big spicy meal yesterday, they will slow down today. In addition, the elderly at home are relatives of my husband. A bowl of pure soup noodles, a drop of salt, a drop of seaweed, and five shrimp wontons. Sure enough, the old lady came over, took a look, and left without saying anything... Haha, it's really rare... cherish it😝 But because the shrimp wontons are a bit salty, I put less salt in the noodles, haha... After eating a bowl, I'm full, but it's too light and a little... nauseating 😂 I will be unpacking later. The pregnant woman can't move the box to the third floor. She can't open it until her husband gets off work😝
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# 亚米厨房 # # 百万积分第五季 # # 开年吃大餐 # 孕妇就是这点无奈,特别是在家里,昨天吃了大餐大辣之后,今天就要缓缓了,加上家里的老人是老公的亲戚,理解不了为什么怀孕还吃辣,所以今天我煮了碗纯清汤面,一丢丢盐,一丢丢紫菜,五颗虾馄饨,果然,老太太走过来,瞧一眼,什么都没说,就走了…哈哈,实属难得…要珍惜😝 不过实在因为虾馄饨有点咸,我才在面里面少放盐的,哈哈…吃一碗下肚,饱是饱了,就是太清淡,有点…反胃😂 晚点有开箱大吉,箱子实在孕妇搬不上三楼,等老公下班才有得开啦😝