[Di, punch the sixth day] The stumbling block on my way to lose weight 🙂
I have been waiting for this tofu skin for about half a year, so I grabbed it right away this time. When it arrived, I found a big box. [However, I eat fast.]
This bean curd is the kind of bean curd that is rolled up, and the combination of snail powder is the pinnacle of life [this is the culprit of my eating four packs of snail powder in one weekend! ! Although it is a bit oily to eat dry, there is a kind of bean fragrance that is very addicting to me. I also found this tofu skin is invincible and versatile. I put it in the udon noodles of Sanukiya and it tasted sweet and humming. It's so delicious I'm going to give this to the world Amway! Let's get fat with me [wink
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这个豆皮大概我等了有大半年的吧 所以这次补货马上就抢了 到的时候发现很大一盒啊 【然而我吃的快啊】
这个豆皮是卷起来的那种豆皮 和螺狮粉搭在一起简直人生巅峰【这就是我一个周末吃四包螺狮粉的罪魁祸首!!干吃虽然有点油但是有一种豆香 对我来讲很上瘾哼哼 还发现了这个豆皮无敌百搭 我把它放到赞岐屋的乌冬面里吃起来就有一股清甜 呜呜呜太好吃了 我要给全世界安利这个!大家一起和我变胖吧【wink
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