[Di, clock in on the eleventh day] My, my, my empty box record? ? I was hungry for a long time this weekend. I ate three pounds of oranges, two boxes of blueberries, and the one pound of almonds you saw two days ago. So I'm going to talk about binge eating. I've been on a diet for a long time on the road to lose weight. The situation appeared and I fell into deep guilt after eating. Now I say to myself that it is better to have one cheating day a week so that I will not fall into self-blame ❤️ And I am very scheming and only keep fruit for myself, so I eat a lot Many won't get fat so fast. Mentality is really important.
See you next time ❤️ # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 新年flag目标打卡 #

【滴,打卡第十一天】我我我的空盒记??这周末饿久了吃了三磅的橘子两盒蓝莓和前两天你们看到的那一磅杏仁😩所以准备谈谈暴食的问题 我在减肥路上走好久啦 节食➕运动 但之前总会有暴食的情况出现 而且吃完又陷入深深的愧疚 现在我就对自己说与其这样还不如每周一个cheating day 就不会陷入自责啦❤️而且我很心机的只留了水果给自己吃 所以吃很多很多也不会胖那么快啦 心态真的很重要哦w
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