Grid's Kitchen | Daily Food Punch-in Super greedy taro chicken 🐔🌶️



▪️Recently, she is a frugal girl who insists on cooking and punching at home😆 Because the restaurants in the village are really boring I feel nothing new~And a lot of what I want to eat In fact, there are no dishes. For example, the Jucheng taro chicken that has been craving for a long time with the male ticket!🐓



▪️Taro chicken is one of the famous local delicacies in Sichuan and Chongqing!The main ingredient is fresh chicken fine peppers Green taro Adding excipients Stir-Fry or Slow Cooker Braised~Chicken is tender Spicy but not dry Taro cake is sweet and glutinous Reminiscent! The practice of taro chicken is special Simple👇 < /p>



▪️Chicken (half)  Yoer Dried Chili Ginger  garlic anise Scented leaves Green pepper< /span> Light soy sauce burnt Chicken seasoning (or watercress) appropriate amount of sugar

Step: Rinse and cut the chicken into pieces Put it in boiling water and scald it to remove blood and odor Drain and drain

Step: Peel the skin of taro Wash and cut into hob pieces Dried chili diced~

Step: Heat oil Sauté green peppers on low heat Dried Chili Anise and Ginger garlic slices shredded ginger Add roast chicken seasoning!

Step Pour in the chicken pieces and stir-fry on high heat until browned Pour in the small taro and stir-fry evenly< span class="s1">~

Step Add appropriate amount of soy sauce white sugar and appropriate amount of water, stir well and boil Cover and simmer on low heat15minutes ~Cook until the taro is soft and cooked The soup is nearly dry sprinkle chopped green onion and serve!





▪️In addition to taro chicken, I still needed a little green nutritious vegetables every day span>! Today I fried a favorite garlic Shanghai green I like the taste of Shanghai green very much "meat" is full Fresh and greasy! There is also a small cold dish< /span> Spicy Pleurotus Mushrooms I have written recipes before It is also a very quick and delicious cold dish Spicy and appetizing Fragrant!

 # 亚米厨房 # # 格格的厨房 # # I want to be Assessor 4Phase #

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格格的厨房 | 日常美食打卡 超级馋的芋儿鸡🐔🌶️



▪️最近都是一个坚持在家里做饭打卡的节约女孩😆 因为村里的餐厅真的是要吃腻了 感觉都没新意了~而且很多自己想吃的菜其实都是没有的 就比如说和男票馋了好久的绝城芋儿鸡!🐓



▪️芋儿鸡是川渝地方著名美食之一!主要原料是新鲜鸡肉 精品辣椒 绿色芋儿 加辅料经爆炒或慢炖红烧~鸡肉质地细嫩 辣而不燥 芋儿粑糯回甜 让人回味! 芋儿鸡的做法特别的简单👇 



▪️鸡(半只)  芋儿 干辣椒   八角 香叶 青花椒 生抽 烧鸡公调料(或者豆瓣) 白糖适量

Step: 鸡洗净斩块 放入沸水中氽烫去血水和异味 捞起沥干

Step: 芋头削去外皮 洗净切成滚刀块 干辣椒切成丁~

Step: 烧热油 小火炒香青花椒 干辣椒 八角和姜片 蒜片 姜丝 加入烧鸡公调料!

Step 倒入鸡块开大火快炒至上色 倒入小芋头拌炒均匀~

Step 加入适量生抽 白糖和适量清水炒匀煮沸 加盖以小火焖煮15分钟~煮至芋头软熟 汤汁近干 即可撒葱花起锅!





▪️除了芋儿鸡以外当时还是需要一点儿每日必备的绿色营养蔬菜啦! 今天炒了一个很喜欢的蒜香上海青 超喜欢上海青的口感 “肉质”饱满 清新解腻! 还有一个小凉菜 麻辣凉拌杏鲍菇 以前写过食谱 也是一道非常快手好吃的凉菜 麻辣开胃 鲜香四溢!

 # 亚米厨房 # # 格格的厨房 # # 我要当测评官第4 #