[Drip, punch the 2nd day] In fact, the 7th day Today's gym forgot to bring my mobile phone, pictures taken by ipad ♥︎ 5.5 jogging 20mins ♥︎ Back Strength 15lb×18×3 I just finished watching the finale of Ghost Blowing the Lantern. Although it is tragic, it is also very real. Start leg and hip training tomorrow. Good night
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【滴,打卡第2天】其实第7天 今日份gym忘记带手机,ipad拍的照片 ♥︎ 5.5慢跑20mins ♥︎ 背部力量15lb×18×3 刚刚把鬼吹灯大结局看完,虽然很悲剧,但是也很真实了 明日开启腿臀训练。晚安