
My breakfast punch--the popular national meat floss baby can be eaten every day

Swiping Douyin every night and watching the full screen of meat floss baby is drooling with hunger, and swears to eat enough when returning home.  

After reading this article, you can eat pork floss baby shells every day without going back to China! !  



Cake Section  span>

  eggs 4only 

  Milk 40g 

  Corn Oil 40g 

  caster sugar 10g+30g 

  Flour: 40g 

Salad dressing section < /span>


  Condensed milk 

  Seaweed Sesame 



1. Prepare two oil- and water-free bowls to separate the egg whites and yolks 

2. Add egg yolk10< span class="s2">Gram sugar, stir well, add salad oil and milk and continue stirring 

3.Sifting flour

4. Whisk the egg whites: whisk until Smooth and grain-free state, do not make circles when stirring, this will make the cake vigorous, not conducive to fluffy, use cross stirring 

5.Add the granulated sugar in three batches, the first time beat with an electric egg beater until coarse foam is added< /span>1/3Sugar, continue to beat until fine white foam appears 1/3Sugar, beat until creamy texture, add the last granulated sugar, and beat until you can pull out complete sharp corners 

6. Add the meringue to the egg yolk paste in three batches , Stir well every time and then add the next batch. You must use the method of stirring, and you must stir from the bottom to the top. This posture is very important, but don't stir at will, otherwise the cake will not be fluffy at the end of defoaming span> 

7. Grease a baking sheet, pour in the cake batter, and smooth it with a spatula 

8. Preheat oven before this350< /span>degrees, bake in the middle rack of the oven20minutes, this is adjusted according to your own oven, Pay attention to observe after coloring, the color is suitable and you can take it out 

9.Let it cool, it is best to use another baking pan and grease it with parchment paper, turn the two upside down That's it 

The baked bread looks like this: ! ! ! ! !



9. Cut round buns with a round mold 

10.Mixing salad dressing: Mix mayonnaise and condensed milk together, because this brand The mayonnaise is a bit salty, and a little condensed milk will neutralize the saltiness.  

10. Smear salad dressing on one slice of cake, then take another slice, stick it, and place it on Top and bottom with salad dressing 

11. Rolling in meat floss, seaweed, and sesame seeds 







Dangdang! ! ! ! The meat floss baby is good 

I usually make it before bed and eat it the next morning 

However, there is a downside to doing this, you can't keep it until the next morning, hahaha

 # 我的早餐打卡 #

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  鸡蛋 4 

  牛奶 40g 

  玉米油 40g 

  细砂糖 10g+30g 

  面粉: 40g 







1. 准备两个无油无水的碗,将鸡蛋的蛋白和蛋黄分离 

2. 蛋黄加入10克砂糖,搅拌均匀后加入色拉油和牛奶继续搅拌均匀 


4. 打发蛋清:用搅拌器搅拌到光滑无颗粒状态,搅拌的时候切勿打圈,这样会使蛋糕起劲,不利于蓬发,用十字搅拌 


6. 分三次把蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊,每一次都搅拌均匀了再加入下一批,要用翻拌的手法,一定要从下往上翻拌,这个姿势很重要,可不要随意搅拌,不然消泡最后蛋糕就不蓬松啦 

7. 烤盘垫油纸,倒入蛋糕糊,用刮刀刮平整 

8. 在此之前预热烤箱350度,入烤箱中层烤20分钟,这个根据自己烤箱调整,上色后注意观察,颜色合适就可以取出来了 





9. 用圆形模具切成圆形小面包 


10. 先在一片蛋糕上抹上沙拉酱,然后取另一片,黏住,然后在上部和底部涂满沙拉酱 











 # 我的早餐打卡 #