燃烧卡路里大作战 [drop, clock on day 11] I went to eat Xi'an famous food at noon today. I feel like losing weight is broken. It's all Carb. I found that the fried cold skin is delicious. Today, I think the soup of mutton steamed buns is also very delicious. I don’t know if it is because I feel that I am losing weight, and I feel that I am very greedy and want to eat it. On the way back, I took a detour to Lindt to buy Easter eggs. Anyway, today is cheat day, keep going tomorrow💪
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燃烧卡路里大作战 [滴,打卡第11天] 今天中午去吃了西安名吃 感觉减肥破功了 全是Carb 发现热炒凉皮挺好吃的耶 今天觉得羊肉泡馍的汤也特别好喝 不知道是不是因为心里觉得自己在减肥 就感觉自己特别馋特别想吃 回来路上还绕道去了趟Lindt 买了复活节蛋蛋 Anyway 今天就当cheat day了 明天继续加油💪