# 私藏好货大曝光 # # 我要当测评官第4期 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation736aceb61a424ea697c0416fbcf Drop, punch the fifteenth day~ After exercising, I went to the school canteen and found another quick breakfast: tomato soup dumplings This is a foreign dumpling, right? It is the meat filling in the middle wrapped by the upper and lower dough pieces. 1⃣️Open the plastic lid, which looks like a canned package, then remove the can lid, and the thick tomato soup will appear in front of you 2⃣️Put it into the microwave and heat it on high for 1 minute (the instructions say 45 seconds, but I heated it for 1 minute, it feels hot outside, but it won't be very hot to eat) 3⃣️Put some paper on it and take it out (⚠️Do not take it directly by hand, it is very hot!) 4⃣️ Bring your own spoon and fork and start eating! The pictures match the real thing! The taste of the tomato soup and dumplings will not be very heavy, the sour taste is just right~ There are eight dumplings in a bowl, and the portion is just right for breakfast~
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亚米精選 # 私藏好货大曝光 # # 我要当测评官第4期 # # 我的早餐打卡 # 滴,打卡第十五天~ 做完运动后,又去了学校小卖部打了个转,发现了另一款速食早餐:番茄浓汤饺子 这个是外国饺子吧:就是上下两片面皮包住中间的肉馅 1⃣️掀开塑胶盖子,里面是罐头包装样子的,再去除罐头盖,浓浓的番茄汤汁就出现在眼前啦 2⃣️放入微波炉高火加热1分钟(说明书写的是45秒,但我加热了1分钟,感觉外面烫手了,但是吃起来不会很热) 3⃣️拿点纸垫着取出(⚠️不要直接用手拿,很烫的!) 4⃣️自备勺子叉子,开吃啦!居然图片与实物及其相符哦!番茄汤汁和饺子的味道都不会很重,酸酸的味道刚刚好~一碗里面有八个饺子,作为早餐分量也是刚刚好哦~