# 春日面膜打卡 # Punch the first day / JM Honey Mask Recently, the wind in the village is too strong, which is a fatal blow to the desert skin 👊 Just taking advantage of this topic to urge myself to take good care of my skin, don't be too considerate. On the first day of the check-in, I chose the JM honey mask I just bought, which was also a smash hit in a certain book. 🎀 First of all, I like the packaging very much. The black and gold color scheme is atmospheric and textured. After tearing it off, you can smell a faint fragrance, and the silk-textured mask paper is light and docile on the face, and it is really impossible to see that the mask is applied. 🎀This is the main moisturizing and brightening liquid to increase elasticity. Others can't see it. The effect of moisturizing and moisturizing is quite obvious. My face hurts when I apply other masks, but this one doesn't, it's still very calming. 🎀There are too many essences. I put some of the remaining essence in the bag on my face and some on my neck.
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亚米精選 # 春日面膜打卡 # 打卡第一天/ JM蜂蜜面膜 最近村里风太大,对于沙漠皮来说简直就是致命打击👊正好趁着这个话题督促自己好好养肤,简直不要太贴心。 打卡第一天,选择了刚刚入手的JM蜂蜜面膜,在某书也是红极一时。 🎀首先包装我就很喜欢,黑金的配色大气有质感。撕开后能闻到淡淡的香气,蚕丝质地的面膜纸上脸轻薄服帖,真的看不出来敷了面膜。 🎀这款主打补水保湿提亮液增弹,其他的看不出来,补水保湿的效果还是挺明显的,敷完之后水当当,第二天上妆也服帖很多。我敷其他面膜脸都会生疼,这款就不会,还是非常镇静的。 🎀精华液超级多,我把袋子里残留的精华液一部分又敷在了脸上,一部分抹在脖子上