🌤Breakfast Sharing|Korea 🇰🇷DANO Low Sugar Brown Rice Cereal Chips ————————————————————— I accidentally discovered it when I was brushing Amazon two days ago~ Immediately place an order 🌝 and then do the homework hahahaha! This product is a brand created by a young lady in Korea Use your own weight loss experience to teach everyone the correct way to lose weight And launched a series of healthy, low-sugar, no-salt and no-additive foods • - Low Sugar Brown Rice Cereal Chips Banana Flavor 🍌149Kcal Coconut Flavor 🥥150Kcal Purple Potato Flavor 🍠135Kcal Pumpkin Flavor 🎃135Kcal I don't know if you have eaten Labnosh Rice Canteen? This one is almost the same as it is made with brown rice Dano's brown rice is not fried~ A bag of sugar is 3g and also comes with a small spoon 🥄 The taste is slightly bland, just like the rice pops I ate when I was a child~ Although the flavor is added, the taste is not very obvious. The most prominent of the four flavors is banana flavor 🍌 because there are banana slices Followed by coconut flavor 🥥 light fragrance but no sweetness at all. So these two flavors are also the highest in calories~ However, it is still very reasonable to make milk for breakfast 🥛. Purple potato🍠 and pumpkin🎃 are less prominent and more original. The feeling of fullness is quite strong, after all, it is also rice hahahaha For breakfast, it is still very suitable to open the bag and pour milk and eat it! • —— Sesame Flavor Protein Shake 95Kcal This milkshake is also brewed directly with milk 🥛 Black sesame, black bean and black rice added inside provide high nutrients After reading it, its nutritional content is still quite healthy, a bag of 95Kcal It is also good for the body to eat more black food Rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, easy to digest, mixed with milk The soaked milkshake has grain particles such as black sesame and the taste is light and not sweet~ It can provide 21g of protein, which is very suitable for friends who usually have fitness~ # 什么值得买 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我的早餐打卡 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 我要当测评官第5期 #
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亚米精選 🌤早餐分享|韩国🇰🇷DANO低糖糙米谷物脆片 ————————————————————— 前两天在刷Amazon的时候无意发现的~ 立马就下单🌝然后做了下功课哈哈哈哈! 这款产品是韩国的一位小姐姐自创的品牌 用自己的减肥经历教导大家正确的减肥方式 并推出了一系列健康低糖无盐无添加的食品 • —— 低糖糙米谷物脆片 香蕉味🍌149Kcal 椰子味🥥150Kcal 紫薯味🍠135Kcal 南瓜味🎃135Kcal 不知道大家有没有吃过Labnosh米食堂? 这款和它差不多同样是使用了糙米制作 Dano这款的糙米是不经过油炸的~ 一袋的糖份是3g也有附送小勺子🥄 口感吃起来略寡淡就像小时候吃的米花~ 虽然添加了风味但其实味道不是很明显。 四种口味里最突出的是香蕉味🍌因为有香蕉片 其次是椰子味🥥淡淡的清香但完全没有甜味。 所以这两种味道的卡路里也是最高的~ 不过作为早餐泡个牛奶🥛还是很合理的。 紫薯🍠和南瓜🎃比较不突出更偏向原味的感觉 饱腹感倒是蛮强的毕竟也是米呀哈哈哈😂 作为早餐还是很适合的开袋倒牛奶就可以吃啦! • —— 芝麻味蛋白质奶昔 95Kcal 这款奶昔同样是使用牛奶🥛直接冲泡 里面添加的黑芝麻黑豆黑米提供了高营养素 看了下它的营养成分还是蛮健康的一袋95Kcal 平时多吃点黑色的食物对身体也是有好处的~ 富含膳食纤维和维他命容易消化混合牛奶食用 泡好的奶昔带有黑芝麻等谷物颗粒物味道清淡不甜~ 可提供21g的蛋白质非常适合平时有健身的朋友~ # 什么值得买 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我的早餐打卡 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 我要当测评官第5期 #