# 炸鸡安利 # # 健身 # After stepping on so many thunders last week, I finally encountered a good protein bar In fact, their family was first famous for fiber One, a snack that supplements dietary fiber, but I have never eaten it, but I am more interested in this. I bought five packs at target for about $3, and Walmart 10 packs are $5.67, which is the price of a normal protein bar, not very expensive. Compared with most protein bars, it is small, about half the size of other brands, of course, if you want to supplement more, eat two. (It's like the concept of snack packaging, I think it's very convenient) The most important thing is of course the taste. It doesn't have a heavy protein powder taste. It's a snack bar with peanut chocolate flavor. It's a bit Chewy to chew, not a powdery texture. I don't think there's anything wrong with it 😆 The recommendation index is 8️⃣7️⃣, give it some room for improvement, and hope to meet better haha
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亚米精選 # 炸鸡安利 # # 健身 # 上周踩了這麼多雷之後,總算是遇到了一個還不錯的protein bar 其實他們家最早是fiber One比較出名,補充膳食纖維的零食,但我一直都沒吃過,反而是對這個比較有興趣。我在target買的五個裝,$3美元左右,Walmart 10個裝大是$5.67,就是正常protein bar的價格,不算很貴。 跟大部分protein bar比起來它個頭很小,大約是別的牌子一半那麼大,當然要想多補充就吃兩個。(像是零食分裝的概念,我覺得很方便) 最重要當然是味道,整體吃起來沒有很重的蛋白粉味道,就是花生巧克力口味的snack bar,嚼起來有點點Chewy,不是粉粉的質地。我覺得沒啥缺點😆 推薦指數8️⃣7️⃣,給它點上升空間,希望還能遇見更好的哈哈