# 拜托了冰箱 # Before I finished eating the buns, I quickly took a photo to recommend him. It is estimated that people in the coastal areas will be familiar with it. This is the kind of small bread used in lobster rolls. It will become particularly soft when microwaved, which is not a little better than some breads that are stiff enough to bite after a microwave. Lobster roll is to cut it from the top and fill it with lobster and other ingredients. I cut it in half from the side to sandwich the ham. I specially took a calorie map to show it. It is also considered low in calories in bread. One is only 70 calories. If I eat it alone, I will eat about 4 for breakfast with a cup of milk tea. Ham is also highly recommended for this thin slice. Chicken, beef, pork, and turkey are all easy to buy. They are high in protein and basically non-fat. They are very suitable for girls who want to lose weight. The calories are really not high, generally 50 grams of 50 calories or 56 grams of 60 calories, the price is also OK, usually two knives more than a bag, it is half a pound, about 8 pieces.
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# 拜托了冰箱 # 趁着小面包还没吃完赶紧拍个照来推荐一下他。估计沿海地区的对它会熟悉一些,这个就是lobster roll用的那种小面包,微波一下会变的特别松软,比某些一微波就起筋到咬不动的面包好了不是一点半点。 Lobster roll是把它从上方那里切开填龙虾等料,我为了夹火腿就从侧边对半切开了。特地拍了个热量图展示一下,在面包里也算热量低的,一个只要70卡,单独吃的话我早餐大概要吃4个配一杯奶茶。 火腿也很推荐这种薄片的,鸡肉、牛肉、猪肉、火鸡肉的都很容易买到,高蛋白,基本脱脂,非常适合减脂瘦身的妹子。热量真的不高,一般都是50克50卡或者56克60卡这样,价格也还可以,一般两刀多一袋,是半磅的,大约8片。